Untruthfulness begets illness in Lyme disease – a Ken Wilber concept applied to Lyme.

Acoording to the transpersonal psychologist, Ken Wilber, a spiritual worldview that includes nature and non-duality would lead to increasing amounts of intactness, wholeness, and health as one becomes “attuned to the kosmos” (Wilber, 1996, p.96).

Untruthfulness is anathema to this higher evolution of intactness and healing worldview. Untruthfulness in a worldview collapses and distorts its positive energy propagating unwellness through pathological lack of beauty, goodness and authenticity (p.95).

Untruthfulness may arise from the lies one tells oneself stemming from environmental trauma, from the culture of the family or community, or as a defense against an even more painful truth (p.99). In such a system the liar does not always recognize the lie they have created- such is their intimacy with it; incorporated into their very being; stitched into the fabric of their community. Wilber says that if one misinterprets their own interior in this way, they have scant little chance of accurately interpreting others – be they people, governments, or the earth. Their ability to attune is poisoned by the untruthfulness of the entire system.

One must be aligned with truth and beauty inside oneself and with others, if their worldview is to be safe, whole and healing. In the microcosm of persistent Lyme disease the premise, or overarching worldview, is based on lies, mistruths, and profound mis-attunement leading to a sustained experience of unwellness.